Monday, June 16, 2014

100 Things to Teach my Kids

Here's a list of my morals and rules that I've learned to live by over the 19 years of my life. I've experienced many firsthand, and have learned the others through a variety of other means.  Regardless, these are the lessons I would like to teach my future children:

1.) Don't let school interfere with your education.
2.) Be a peace keeper, try to avoid conflict, but don't be afraid to fight when necessary.
3.) There is never a right time to say the "L" word to a significant other.  Just never throw it around without meaning.
4.) 90% of the time you won't win an argument with your mother.
5.) The best way to clear your mind and resolve internal issues is by running and exercise.  Alcohol only makes these situations worse.
6.) If someone is reckless with your emotions, tell them to take a hike.
7.) Do multiple sports at a young age.  Pick one and stick with it for when your later years.
8.) Learn time management.
9.) If she cheats, she's not worth your time.  If you cheat, then you're not a man.
10.) The easiest way to ruin relationships is by consistently sending invitations to play Candy Crush.
11.) Whether they're factual or fictional, always have stories to tell.
12.) Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Big Fish and Juno.  Pay attention to the underlying lessons in these movies, you can learn a lot from them.
13.) Take vitamins daily.
14.) Dress accordingly to weather and the formality of the occasion.
15.) Chicks dig suits.
16.) Don't waste time or money with video games.  They both add up and you'll want back what you wasted.
17.) 99% of the time your parents will have similar mannerisms that your grandparents have.  There's a 99% chance you'll have similar traits your parents have, too.
18.) The only book you should ever read for school is To Kill a Mockingbird.  Be an Atticus.
19.) Have work ethic.
20.) Everyone's priorities are different, but family should always be first and money in the bottom half.
21.) Learn to balance your academic life, athletic life, and social life appropriately.
22.) Find a career you enjoy. You'll never work a day in your life.
23.) Start with an unpaid internship.  It looks so impressive on a resume that you worked hard for free.
24.) Bros before hos. Always.
25.) All disagreements between friends can and should be settled with the N64 Super Smash Brothers.
26.) Kirby is the key to victory.  Learn how to play right and you can't lose.
27.) Never settle for women, jobs or a home.
28.) He who dies with most toys is usually not the winner.
29.) Family and family do not mean the same thing.
30.) College is fun, if done right. College is not fun, if done wrong.
31.) Always say: please, thank you, ma'am and sir.
32.) Real men DO NOT consider couponing a hobby.
33.) But they do try to find deals and save easy money when they can.
34.) There is no shame in dollar stores and thrift shops.
35.) Don't brag.
36.) PB&Js are the best all-around thing you can eat.
37.) People make mistakes, don't dwell on them.  Forgive, forget and move on.
38.) There's no need to cuss.  It's unnecessary and unprofessional.
39.) But don't try your hardest to keep your language G-rated.  You'll sound like a weenie.
40.) Learn an instrument and another language.  Being well rounded is pretty awesome.
41.) If you choose to do track, don't be a sprinter just because it looks easy.  You'll be unpleasantly surprised.
42.) Talk to a professional athlete to know how hard it is to accomplish dreams, but how very doable it can be.
43.) Keep up to date with current events.
44.) Eat your calories, don't drink them.
45.) Need inspiration to lead a wholesome life? Watch Jerry or Maury.
46.) Be a source of wisdom, but never pretend to be one.
47.) Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself in front of strangers.  You most likely won't ever see them again.
48.) Pain can be much more than physical.
49.) There's no shame in Walmart clothes shopping, just don't advertise where you bought your outfit.
50.) Make close friends with twins.  You'd be surprised how much more fun they make everything.
51.) There's nothing wrong with talking to your dog as if they knew what you were saying.
52.) Let your voice be heard, but only in moderation.
53.) Re-read your essay multiple times before handing them in.
54.) Personal phone-calls mean so much more than texts messages.
55.) Try yoga.
56.) Instant-gratification won't benefit you in the long run.  Just stick it out and you'll be happy with your choices.
57.) Know the differences between 'there' 'their' and 'they're', as well as 'then' and 'than'.
58.) Class will get you a career.  Swag will get you a job.  Choose one and choose wisely.
59.) The square block doesn't fit in the circle hole.  If it doesn't work seem to work, problem solve.
60.) The best way to enjoy a moment is to not take a picture of it and just soak it in.
61.) Failing is 10x worse than studying.
62.) Only participate in college athletics if it either pays for your tuition or you can see yourself taking your game to the next level.
63.) Donate time, money, and anything else to those who need assistance.  We're literally so fortunate to be born into the lives we live now.
64.) Never affiliate with a single political party.  Always vote best candidate.
65.) There's no need to get involved in religion. Just worry about being a good person.
66.) There's no shame in asking for help.
67.) Always keep a bigger goal in mind. Remember it takes baby steps to get where you want to be because nothing is accomplished with one giant leap.
68.) Not everything goes your way. Learn to deal with it or you'll be a very unhappy person.
69.) Learn to call people 'bro', but only apply the term when appropriate.
70.) Women can be your bros, too.
71.) Only in rare circumstances can a man and woman be best friends and nothing more.
72.) Just because the government says it's illegal doesn't mean it's immoral.  Stick to what you think is acceptable, just don't get caught.
73.) You're never too old to revisit childhood.
74.) Time goes fast and life changes quickly, but there's no way to slow the process.  Make the minutes count and enjoy them, otherwise they are wasted..
75.) You will never be as young as you are right now.
76.) Go to bed early.
77.) Avoid clichés. They're stupid.
78.) Shoes are meant to get dirty.  Scuffed up sneakers should not ruin your day.
79.) Don't brag about people you know.  Be the person everyone brags about knowing.
80.) Don't be homophobic or racist.  Accept all people.
81.) Looks can get you a hot girl. Brains can get you a smart one. A mix of both with an addition of confidence and personality will get you your perfect match.
82.) Participate in no-shave November annually and Movember at least once.
83.) Don't ever spoil the ending of a TV show or a movie, even if given permission.
84.) It may be difficult, but don't be afraid to show emotion.  We're all human.
85.) Being scared of death is irrational.  Being scared that death may take someone we love isn't.
87.) The closest thing to buying happiness would be buying an old Crash Bandicoot game.
88.) Always dress up for Halloween.  The slutty-cat does not count.
89.) Having nice things is cool, but if your belongings are your legacy then what was your purpose?
90.) It is acceptable to derive your opinions from South Park.
91.) Don't go blowing money.  Once it's spent it's money you'll never get back.
92.) Pretend to enjoy golf and learn the basics of how to play.
93.) Photo shopping is very prevalent in our society.  Know how to edit and how to spot doctored photos.
94.) Contrary to popular belief, social studies is actually one of your most important subjects in school.
95.) So long as you show your best effort and pull a GPA good enough to get into college, then you've done well in school.
96.) Remember, an occasional bad grade isn't the end of the world.  Just be glad that you knew 50% of the material in a subject in which you weren't fully educated.
97.) Always buy organic when given the option.
98.) Follow Batman's motto: "It's not what I am underneath, but what I do that defines me".  Do good.
99.) Learn the art of a proper handshake. It's an important life skill.  First impressions are crucial, and there's no better way to present yourself in such a manner.
100.) Put down the phone and enjoy the company of those around you.

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